Sunday, 9 March 2008

Cellulite – Brazilian Coffee is the answer

With the winter season in the northern hemisphere changing to springtime, women might have a look at their sisters in the southern hemisphere where the summer comes slowly to an end. With the sunshine in front of us the female occupant of this globe starts to dream about light summer clothing and beach parties to be enjoyed in bikinis. Typically for this period of the year and insurmountably women start to visualize their beautifully shaped legs and bums without the hated cellulites. I read somewhere: “Open just about any women's magazine and you'll find ads for anti-cellulite creams that promise to reduce the spongy, dimply, cottage cheese-looking skin that causes distress to so many women.”

Massage-therapeutics in Brazil developed new technologies in the battle against cellulites. They use coffee to eliminate the accumulated fat. I take it for granted that I haven’t to explain the word cellulites, but nevertheless for the male readers who have to suppress their disgust seeing female beauty endangered by cellulites, here is the definition: Cellulite is a disruption of the subcutaneous tissue, characterized by vertical spaces, in which fat is stored used for energy. Cellulite occurs when the connective tissue between the fat-spaces en the skin becomes thinner.

The Brazilian anti-cellulites massage is executed with great force in the areas where the fat molecules are concentrated, after the massage the areas will be rubbed with a product based on Brazilian coffee. Beneath the fact that the fat concentrations are broken down the coffee extract is able to penetrate deeply in the skin which stimulates the disliked and undesired dimples to go away. The caffeine activates the micro circulation of the skin, performing as a fortifier and bodily hydration.
“The massage performed with coffee gives a very efficacy result, as not only the accumulated fat will be eliminated, but it will hydrate the skin as well.” says Mariana Alves Corrêa, owner of the Otris Spa Urbano in Rio de Janeiro. For R$ 140 (USD 80 or € 55)) will she rub coffee on your body for 60 minutes. Evidently, the image which goes with this post, is the result of Mariana Alves coffee-massage.

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